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This website presents two literary works by Edward Mirza: a comedy adventure novel and an Educational Supplement.


The aim of the educational supplement, by Edward Mirza, is to assist people of any age, in their own time, and at no cost, (whether they are in school or out of school), in reaching an education on a par with the education given in any private school.  This is seen as an important measure in achieving social cohesion.


The comedy adventure novel by Edward Mirza, is a work with similar themes as the Primer, and may be seen to be illustrating the causes of the educational supplement through the adventures of its main character 'X'.  It is an accompanying work to the educational supplement, with relevant themes.


'Primer to the Greats' consists in a reading list of 9 essential books, for obtaining an excellent English education.  The book Primer to the Greats contains celebrated excerpts form these books, and some paragraphs explaining why each book is important, and why they have been chosen.  There's also a description of why each excerpt from each book has been chosen.


'Primer to The Greats' includes an explanation of the way in which English thought has developed, and its connection with other countries and literature, and how this relates to the books it recommends.


The idea is that these books, recommended in Primer to the Greats can be read, at the reader's own initiative and with the help of online resources, which this website in some part provides, and provides link to.


This website also contains the beginning of a Self Education Portal, in which other, secondary elements of a humanist education may also be obtained at no cost, and at people's own initiative.


The idea is that this shall be incorporated into the the Educational Section of the official U.K. .gov website, while Primer to the Greats as an independent volume, shall be a general handout in schools and part of the Compulsory National Curriculum.


Please find on this website, links to the books to purchase, and links to excerpts from the books.


Please find also explanatory texts about the relevance of the book, and the books it recommends.




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